The Argentine Association of patients and relatives with Genitourinary Cancer VICARE offers a legal service in the defense and promotion of patients' rights.
This is how it provides information, advice and management of claims, arising from delays or rejection of treatments, prepaid medicine, social works or individuals without coverage.
Documentation necessary to file a claim at the Ombudsman's Office
Example for a claim in the Ombudsman's Office for medication

Very important
We need you to gather the documentation that we detail in these steps, and send it by email to Ideally, everything should be scanned and saved in a compressed file, if this is not possible, take the photos with good light and focus for better definition. Our legal team will analyze it and will contact the patient to prepare the formal presentation to the agency.
We will be in charge of monitoring the process, responding to notifications and requirements.
This is just a guide to one of the most frequent procedures that patients usually need.
What do I need to initiate judicial protection?
- Copia del DNI ambos lados
- Copia carnet de la Obra Social
- Copia del último recibo de jubilación (si corresponde)
- Certificado médico con diagnóstico.
- Certificado médico con el tratamiento indicado.
- Carta documento enviada a la Obra Social con constancia de recepción.
- Copia del certificado de discapacidad (si corresponde)
- Resumen de historia clínica, epicrisis, resonancias magnéticas u otros estudios (solo como documentación complementaria)
- Solicitar al médico que extienda un certificado médico en el cual justifique por qué solicita tal medicación.
Gather all the documentation and contact VICARE GENITOURINARIO, a professional will contact you to start the process. Both the advice and the management are carried out free of charge.
Contact us at or by WhatsApp at +54 9 116 255 7931
Legal Team

Dra. Cinthia Elizabeth Vallón

Dra. Andrea Guerrero