Press Contact

To arrange interviews or request information about VICARE GENITOURINARIO, please contact us via email at or by telephone at +549 116 255 7931 (Fiorella Gagliardi – President)

VICARE GU In the media

Kidney cancer day: 9 risk factors and which ones you can modify

Age and genetic factors are not modifiable, but there are habits that can be avoided to reduce the chances of suffering from it (Clarín/Buena Vida 06/16/2022)

World Kidney Cancer Day: almost 5,000 cases a year are diagnosed in Argentina

It is the fifth most frequent type of tumor in the country, with 13 daily diagnoses. Risk factors, symptoms, treatments and the importance of early detection (Infobae/Ciencia 06/16/2022)

World Kidney Cancer Day: 5,000 annual cases are detected in the country

The figures come from a report by the Association of Patients VICARE (Living with Kidney Cancer), which adds that, with 13 new cases per day, it is the fifth most frequent tumor, behind breast, colon, prostate and lung ( Digital Telam 06/16/2022)

World Kidney Cancer Day: 5,000 annual cases are detected in the country

The figures come from a report by the Association of Patients VICARE (Living with Kidney Cancer), which adds that, with 13 new cases per day, it is the fifth most frequent tumor, behind breast, colon, prostate and lung ( 06/16/2022)

Día Mundial del Cáncer de Riñón: se detectan 5 mil casos anuales en el país

BUENOS AIRES, June 16: The VICARE Patient Association is official data, within the framework of this date, which has been commemorated since 2017. Due to its asymptomatic progress, regular controls are key to its detection ( 06/16/ 2022)

Kidney Cancer Awareness Month

World kidney cancer day is commemorated, an initiative of the International Kidney Cancer Coalition, to inform and raise awareness among the population about the significant increase in the incidence of kidney cancer (Patients En Red 06/16/2022


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